Thursday, May 12, 2011

It's voting season.

Everyone is asking for votes and donations this month. Seriously, everyone. Check out these projects: 

Sunday Afternoon Housewife is trying to raise cash for her "Culture of Craft" documentary over on kickstarter. Martha wants to travel to a variety of craft conferences to share (in her words) "the story of a culture."  If you don't know Martha, she is an amazing entrepreneurial gem. She runs a blog, teachings classes, is a summer gardener, and a constant inspiration and great friend! She has set up so many donation levels with great gifts. Let's help her raise the $12,000 she needs to realize her dream. If anyone deserves it, she does!

Homespun: Modern Handmade is up for another Pepsi Refresh Everything Grant. They were blessed with one last year which provided them the ability to open a truly unique store for Indianapolis. They were aiming for a retail space that would also provide a gallery and classes. Unfortunately, the gallery & class space was not able to be realized; so they're up for another grant to finally make it happen - and even bigger than the initial idea. Voting is open through the month of May, and you can vote once each day.

Nuvo is running their annual Best of Indy poll, voting is open until June 1st. Focused on " shining a light on what is outstanding and unique to our city, neighborhoods and neighbors", this contest is not for chains - but for local favorites. There is pretty much every category ever to vote for, and you can write in your favorites if you don't see 'em listed! I have a few suggestions (of course!), like Deezen for best punk band, Georgetown Market for best local food vendor,  Vanilla Bean Bakery for best sweets, and indySwank for best shopping for women's fashion.

Happy voting, y'all!

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